Star Wars: Episode 4 - new hope is a 1977 film directed by George Lucas. The first installment of the Star Wars series, the story of a rebel fighting against the oppression of the Galactic Empire.
The galaxy is under the control of a galaxy empire led by Emperor Palpatine. The Galactic Empire is suppressing rebels and suppressing the freedom of the galaxy.
Rebel leader Leia Organa escapes to steal the blueprint of a huge battleship called Death Star and send it to the rebel base. However, Leia's spacecraft is chased by imperial forces, and Leia is dumped in a space dump.
Orphan Luke Skywalker, who lives in Tatooine, a planet of the Apes, comes across a message thrown by Leia and goes on an adventure to save Leia. Luke meets Leia, who has escaped, and heads to the rebel base. However, the rebel base is attacked by imperial forces, and Luke meets Obi-Wan Kenobi and learns the power of the Force.
Luke defeats the Imperial army with Obi-Wan's help and meets Hansol and Chubaka. Han Solo and Chubaka join the rebels to save Leia.
The rebels launch an attack to destroy the Death Star. Luke wins a duel with Darth Vader based on Obi-Wan's teachings, and the Death Star is destroyed by rebel attacks.
The destruction of the Death Star takes a heavy toll on the Galactic Empire. Rebels gain hope to bring down the Galactic Empire and regain the freedom of the galaxy..
the main characters
Luke Skywalker: a hero of the rebels fighting against the oppression of the galaxy empire. Born with the power of the Force, he became a Jedi knight under the teachings of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Leah Organa: Leader of the rebels trying to overthrow the galaxy empire. Stealing the map of the Death Star and delivering hope to fight against the oppression of the Galactic Empire.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Legendary Jedi Knight. Raising Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight.
HAN SOLO: A spacecraft smuggler. Joining the rebels as an employee of Princess Leia.
Chubaka: Han Solo's friend and assistant. A warrior of the Wookies.
Darth Vader: Chief Commander of the galaxy empire. Luke Skywalker's father in the dark side of the Force.
Emperor Palpatine: absolute monarch of the galaxy empire. Teacher of Darth Vader, who falls into the dark side of the force.
It is said to have opened a new chapter in science fiction movies. It is a work that features a grand scale, exciting story, and attractive characters. In particular, the lightsaber confrontation, which became the symbol of the series, and the scenes using the force of the force left a strong impression on many people.
It was very popular worldwide, recording $791.48 million in box office revenue. In addition, he was recognized for his work by winning art, music, editing, sound, and visual effects awards at the Academy Awards.
It was a very innovative work for the time of 1977. Previous sci-fi films mainly depict the future, while Star Wars: Episode 4 - New Hope is set in a universe that feels like a medieval European fantasy. Also, it opened a new horizon for science fiction movies by introducing original elements such as lightsaber and force.
It is a movie that is loved by many people around the world. It is regarded as a masterpiece of science fiction movies and has influenced many later works.